Christian Formation

Continue your Christian and spiritual formation with Plum Creek Presbyterian Church


Hybrid Sunday School

Come on the journey with us this month as we look into the book of Esther in the Bible. Our teachers have prepared a new Padlet of three lessons that help us to learn about Queen Vashti and Esther and how Esther courageously saved her people. The oft used quote: “For such a time as this” comes from Esther 4:14.

Use this link or the QR Code below to access all the great videos and activities related to this three lesson unit:

Lessons in this Padlet are:

1. Queen Vashti Says “No!” Esther 1:1–22

2. Esther, a New Queen Esther 2:1–4, 7–12, 16–18

3. Hooray for Queen Esther! Esther 3; 4; 6; 8; 9


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Some of our PCPC Friday Club Youth helped pack 15,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger with youth and leaders from 10 Presbyterian churches in Pittsburgh Presbytery! We packed all those meals in about an hour and a half.

Youth Club

February will see our youth participating in fun bowling afternoon to support a senior pet rescue, meeting twice for Friday Club, joining in a Presbytery youth meal packing event for Rise Against Hunger and holding our usual end of the month Friday Club Breakfast. 

We are going to be working toward breaking into Middle School and High School groups on our Friday Club evenings sometimes but can only do that is we have adults from the congregation who are willing to help us do that.  We find that it might help to have these small groups within our larger group ministry.  We would become a youth ministry board that works together. 

If this is something you would like to help with as part of your service in ministry for Christ, please let Pastor Carolyn know.

Upcoming Dates:

Sunday, February 2:  3 – 5 PM  Bowling at Nesbit Bowling Lanes for Senior Paws Rescue

Friday, February 7: 5:30 – 7:30 PM Friday Club Youth Group

Sunday, February 16: 2 – 4 PM  Packing Food kits for Rise Against Hunger at Hampton Presbyterian Church

Friday, February 21: 5:30 – 7:30 PM Friday Club Youth Group

Sunday, February 23:  9 AM – 9: 40 AM – Breakfast and Bible

Our Wonderful Wonder Space

Whether we have one or ten children on any given Sunday, the lessons and the “wonderings” of our Wonder Space for children during worship are an amazingly powerful experience of allowing the children to see a Bible story unfold before them using wooden figures, felt underlays, a desert box filled with sand or gold colored boxes filled with pieces to tell a parable. 

Our storytellers guide the children through each story to then experience “wondering questions” about the story.  Wondering questions are not yes or no answers, they are not fill in the blank or give the right answer questions – they are questions that might spur more questions, that might allow for ways to look at what happened in the story from many angles.  It is what we all should be doing when we read a Bible story or scripture.  As a storyteller or a helper in the room, it is an amazing thing to behold. 

We have a great team of rotating Storytellers for our children – Jen Spenik, Lindsay Meuller, Alexis Peifer, Sara Wozniak, Sam Shaneyfelt and Gwen Zaspel.  We need weekly helpers in the Wonder Space as well.  Whether we have 1 child or 10, our policy is that we have two adults in the room with children.  Our helpers also assist with getting the children supplies for art responses and talking with them about their responses relate to the story they heard. 

Take a Sunday and experience the Wonder Space with our Storytellers and children.  Sign up on the chart on the bulletin board in the Narthex.  It is about a half hour of service and may just be the ministry area that becomes your favorite place to serve.  You can catch the sermon and prayers on our recorded livestream after. 

This month’s stories: 

February 2 - Jesus at the Wedding

February 9 - The Wise Man and Foolish Man

February 16 - The Unmerciful Servant

February 23 - The Man At The Door/Feast

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Nursery Care

Our nursery is open during worship hours.

Adult Bible Studies

Opportunities for fellowship and study together.

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Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study

Wednesdays 1:00 PM in person and on Zoom

Wednesday weekly Bible study is a group that loves scripture, loves the Lord, and fellowship.

This is an ecumenical study.

Contact Pastor Carolyn ( to request the Zoom meeting information.

Join us!

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