Movable Sanctuary

Being the Church beyond the
church building

Jesus moved through towns, cities, wilderness, and over water to share the Good News of God’s love and saving grace. During the Covid-19 stay in place restrictions Jesus’ Church sprang into action moving like Jesus through our own homes, towns, and the wilderness of isolation. You were, and continue to be, the Church in action as you intentionally stay connected with friends, family, and your church community. As the pandemic continues your mission of being the church anywhere you go is even more important. This feast of staying involved while separated became a movable feast of God’s community in action. There is no call for your movable feast of sharing God’s love in all places to ever end. In fact this is the call of the Church of Jesus Christ at all times, especially a time such as this.

While we begin gathering cautiously, meetings may once again be held on the church campus. Social media has given us new ways to meet and you are encouraged to continue to use our Facebook page and this website to stay connected through fellowship and prayer. Please continue being Jesus’ movable feast through social media and a simple phone call, so everyone feels connected and encouraged.

What you do daily makes a difference. Please pray daily for your family, your neighbors, your church and especially all caring teams and facilities ministering to the sick and those who grieve.

Living discipleship beyond the walls of a church building is exactly what Jesus had in mind. May we rise up and be a movable feast sharing the Lord’s passion and compassion during this disaster.


All worship services will be live streamed with recordings posted on our
Sermon Blog so all may remain connected.