January 2020

Bring a King to church!

January 5th is Epiphany Sunday and you are invited to bring a king, or 3, or more, for your nativity set. It may not be technically correct but most nativity sets include the wisemen bearing gifts. A small table at the front of the church will be available for our royal/mystical/wise guests.

Epiphany means wonder, enlightenment, a revelation, sudden awareness of a mystery. It is recognition of the Holy Divine, or insight about God that is full of awe and joy. To have an epiphany moment means something clicks in a new way, or it could be a new understanding of Jesus or scripture, or a new wonder about a direction in your life.

The prophets had an epiphany when God spoke to them for the first time, maybe even the second time. The message God gave them was often an epiphany. Abraham experienced an epiphany when God called him our of the land of Ur, when God shared the covenant promise, and when three divine visitors came to call. Epiphanies can be ordinary events, not recognized until later.

The season of Epiphany in the Church is the end of our Christmas story, but it is where the story of our life with God really begins. The story of epiphany is full of strangers, people new to our story. (See the pastor’s blog for more thoughts on the Epiphany experience.)

So bring a king/wiseone/magi to church to represent our traveling friends who accompany us, and sometimes lead us toward God’s holy Light. Jane

CHILI LUNCH - Sunday February 16, following Worship
Evangelism and Fellowship committee is organizing a pot-luck chili lunch. Please bring your favorite to share!

Our Deacons thank you!

25 coats were donated by the congregation and delivered to the Plum Food Bank to be distributed to their clients. People will be kept warm due to your generosity.

$441.51 was given by the members of the congregation on change Sunday. Deacons collect ‘change’ or donations toward our caring, mercy, companion, and giving ministries. Thank you!

$750 worth of Amazon gift cards were received for Heather McGarvey’s music ministry at the Heart to Heart orphanage in Romania where she serves. Heather is excited to use your donations to refurbish the musical instruments for the children. Playing an instrument gives her children the ability to experience a new skill, and master a beautiful, heart warming craft.

Thank you! Deacons

Day Camp at Plum Creek - Announcing our Summer 2020 dates


As we get closer to the colder days of winter, we also grow closer to the warmer days of summer! Preparation for Summer 2020 at Day Camp is underway.

We will again have 5 weeks of fun for campers completing 1st through 9th grades. Registration is now open, follow the Day Camp link on our church and Day Camp webpages. Check us out on Facebook and Instagram to see more updates.

Early bird registration runs through April and discounts for multiple children or for multiple weeks are available.

SUMMER STAFF - Contact Faith Kemmler for the application process. Anyone in High school, college, or beyond interested in making a difference in the lives of day campers are encouraged to apply! Staff information and applications can be found on our website.

SOUPER BOWL OF CARING February 2 and 9

PCUSA and other denominations have designated Souper Bowl Sunday, the same day as the NFL Supper Bowl, to reflect champion sharing and giving. Please bring cans of hearty soups to church for this fun day. The children will collect your cans during the Children’s Message. All donations will go to the Plum Creek Food Pantry. Thank you for bring special meaning to our worship service and to the lives of many through our local food pantry.


ASH WEDNESDAY - February 26th - We will join congregations at Kerr Presbyterian Church for a joint Plum Creek and Kerr Ash Wednesday agape meal in their fellowship hall which will include imposition of ashes. Pastor Jane and Pastor KJ will lead the service.


Wednesdays, 6:30
Worship and Music will provide a soup and dessert meal each Wednesday. The study this year will be based on The Road to Emmaus in Luke 24. Emmaus is a journey rather than a destination. It is a journey from unseeing to seeing, from dark to sight. It is a journey for a lifetime. The study encourages participants to recognize what may be right in front of us, yet unseen. That is Jesus presented himself to the travelers walking in disappointment to Emmaus – the road without a destination. Handel’s Messiah will accompany us on this sacred journey.

Week 1 – Our Sorrow Week 2 – Lost but found Week 3 – History inside us Week 4 – Silence of wonder Week 5 – Sight and seeing

The road to Emmaus opens amazing possibilities. Come and join the journey.


A phone call, a dinner, a walk
Lots of talk
Another phone call, a visit, more talk
Friendship nurtured as we ponder the unthinkable
Groundwork, framework, structure
Of two lives moving into sync as we walk and talk

And then He appears, right there
Unfolding before our eyes
Like a pop-up picture book
Walking with us
Seeing a glimpse of abandoned hope
Hearing our fears
Smelling the scent of doubt
Touching hearts that burned
Speaking the gospel truth

Another dinner
More talk, more time, more prayer
We begin to see what God has planned
And is allowing us to discover
There is joy in that journey
Are we ready?

ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING - February 23, immediately following the

Reports from committees will be assembled for review and pick up on Sunday, February 16. All reports will be received at the annual meeting and a new Nominating Committee will be elected.

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