June 2020
Missing You!
I miss you! But missing you keeps you safe during this Covid19 discovery period. Please know your Session is diligently moderating state and CDC guidelines for gatherings. We are hopeful for new opportunities to gather soon as we move into this new yellow phase. The grace you have shown in worshipping at home and joining fellowship and Bible studies through zoom meetings will need to continue.
When we are able to worship together state guidelines will initially require only small assemblies, for your protection. Please expect changes such as:
· We expect the standards to state only 25 people may gather and we will adhere to this rule and adapt as it changes. Session is discussing a phased gathering plan for worship and fellowship.
· Services will continue to be videoed and shared on our website for the foreseeable future.
· Masks will probably be required. We have lots of extras on hand as needed.
· Sanitation products are already stocked. There will be hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes in the narthex and at each restroom as well as Lysol spray, and boxes of Kleenex in every pew.
· No paper bulletins, we will use the PowerPoint to share liturgy and announcements.
· The beloved hugs and handshakes will not happen. Air hugs will continue!
· Please sit with your family, but 6’ physical distancing will be required between family groups as we move into and out of the sanctuary and sit in the pews.
· We will continue to share the love of Christ with one another but it will be with the ancient liturgy: The Peace of Christ be with you. And also with you, as you greet one another with a smile and eye contact.
· Fellowship pads will not be used. Ushers will keep track of who attends each service for church records and for health records in case there is a case of Covid 19 within our congregation.
· Offering trays will not be passed, instead baskets will set on each pew for offerings and ushers will pick them up during the offertory.
· Your Worship and Music committee has an excellent plan for sharing the Lord’s Supper. Trays will not be used, but stations with a cup with a piece of bread and a second cup with juice. A server will be stand by to help and offer the ‘Bread of Life’ ‘Cup of Salvation.’
· Dismissal may be organized pew by pew. I will greet you as you leave your pew rather than at the door.
· Session is considering opening up 2 additional entrances and exits to the sanctuary. More details will follow.
Through the centuries the Church of Jesus Christ has gone through major shifts, this is one of them. As our General Minister Rev. Dr. Sheldon Sorge writes: “it does not matter where we worship, it matters how we worship.” To this I would add it matters that we worship our Lord God. Presbytery does not order the details of when we assemble again, it may only offer suggestions to Sessions who make the final decisions. You may notice some churches, Presbyterian and others, are beginning to assemble again. Plum Creek will continue to be cautious and prepared.
Presbytery and your Session long to allow us to gather again, but caution in a time such as this will have amazing benefits in the long run. We must prayerfully consider best options and practices for the health and welfare of the whole people of God. Including the understanding that the state may return to a total lockdown or continue to remove restictions. Again, we will follow state guidelines knowing that, as the hymn so beautifully puts it: It Is Well With My Soul:
When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well, with my soul
Julian of Norwich lived during the European plagues in the 14th century. She was devoted to prayer and contemplation of God. She lived and prayed in total isolation because of the plague. In her life of isolation she was gifted with visions, ‘showings’ of heaven and of our Lord. Her ministry of prayer remains with us as her words remain with us today. Then and now her reflections bring great solace during our isolations. She wrote and we remember:
All shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.
This is truly God’s long range plan for you as stated in Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God’s words to his prophet were also during at time of destruction and fear.
People of God, keep your eyes on the Lord, your rock and your refuge! Hold onto worshiping the Lord with joy and gratitude in a time such as this for your Lord and your church love you dearly. Jane
Meeting via zoom is working most of the time for small groups. We have had a few glitches but we are working out the problems and plan to continue to use this technology until session determines that we can meet again in person. The link to the various zoom meetings will come in the weekly email “This Sunday and More” sent on Thursdays.
Sunday morning fellowship - an online ‘coffee half hour’ via zoom. Gather and say a face to face hello to friends near and far. With internet you may fellowship from your cabin, camp, or kitchen. We ‘meet’ at 9:35 Sunday mornings, chat, share joys and concerns then end with prayers of the people and the Lord’s Prayer. Pastor Jane will host the meeting.
Sunday school for the children! Through the beginning of June, Faith is leading a weekly zoom Sunday school with the kids of the church. You already know that Plum Creek has amazing kids, and it is fun to watch them in action via zoom. The Church of Jesus Christ has a great future with them at the helm!
Psalms class meets at 9:00 am Sunday mornings. Everyone is welcome to join. Each Sunday we read and listen to the Psalmist and look for history, passion, emotion, worship, fear, and penance so freely offered to God by our spiritual ancestors. The Psalmists were not constrained by form; they knew God would listen so spoke freely. Sometimes it is shocking, sometimes beautiful, but always demonstrating genuine honesty and relationship with the Lord God.
The Parables of Jesus is being held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30. Jesus taught with stories. It was a common 1st century teaching practice. Jesus’ parables were rich with imagery for his hearers then and his readers/hearers today. To join Zoom meeting on the Parables on Wednesday email the church or pastor Jane to receive the link. You will need audio on your tablet, ipad, iphone, or laptop computer.
Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study - Continues via Zoom at 1 pm on Wednesday.
Sunday Worship Service can be found on our webpage under the Sermon Blog tab.
Online and Mobile Giving Program is Live!
The Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek (PCPC) has partnered with the Presbyterian Foundation to provide our membership with online and mobile financial giving options.
• The service is being offered as a convenience to any member of our church family who might prefer an online or mobile giving option versus the traditional check. It is by no means, meant to deter those who prefer to donate by check not to use the traditional check.
• Bonnie Jackson, Treasurer, and Kathy Kirk, Business Administrator, are the program and account administrators with access to donation details.
• The Presbyterian Foundation uses the Vanco Payment Solutions (VPS) platform. VPS is an industry leader in providing churches secure, simple and specialized giving solutions. VPS’s standards meet the Payment Card Industry data security standards for handling, storage and transmitting credit card information.
• Donors can make a donation as a guest or create an account. Creating an account only takes a few minutes and allows donor to access GivePlus features such as secure card information storage, recurring payment options, and account management. Donors can utilize the same account for both the PCPC homepage online giving and GivePlus Mobile application options.
• We are listed as Plum Creek Presbyterian Church in the GivePlus application.
• Donations made via the VPS platform are processed by the Presbyterian Foundation.
-Funds are invested in a money market account during the month
-At month end the Foundation assesses a 2% transaction fee and transfers the funds
electronically to PCPC
-Donors will receive an email acknowledgement for each donation and a year-end
tax summary
-Donors can create an account to view payment history and to manage giving
-Donations can be made using a debit card, credit card or as an electronic transfer from
a checking account
-Donors have the option to add a tax-deductible percentage of their gift to cover the
transaction fee
• PCPC established two giving funds: General Fund and Per Capita Fund. Gifts to the General Fund via the online feature can be designated further via a memo item (e.g., mission, initial offering, flowers, holidays).
• A “Giving” button has been added on the home page of the PCPC website. Through this button, a donor can access the online payment platform via a tablet, laptop, desktop pc or smartphone and establish a one-time or recurring donation.
• Donors can also access the platform through a mobile device by downloading the GivePlus+ mobile app from the Apple Store or Google Play.
• Contacts:
- For account set-up assistance or program questions, please contact Dave Nesbit
(412-310-7119, David.nesbit2@gmail.com)
- For donation questions please contact Kathy Kirk, Account Administrator
(412-793-4525, secretary@plumcreekpc.com)
Crestfield 2020 – a Summer of Jubilee
I’ve always been fascinated with the concept of the ‘Year of Jubilee’ from ancient Israel. This is described as a year of rest that included the restoration of property, the freeing of slaves and relief of debts. The Israelites would dedicate this year of rest to God, acknowledging that God would provide for their needs during this time. I always wondered what this would be like to experience.
At Crestfield, we’ve spent the last month analyzing each day’s influx of information to determine if we could safely host children at camp this summer. Recently, we received guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Health that has directed our leadership to accept that we cannot operate our camping programs as planned. We just can’t envision being able to offer a safe summer camp experience with the restrictions that are currently in place. Therefore, Crestfield is entering a “Summer of Jubilee.”
Things may change but our staff does not want to keep our campers and their families waiting and hoping for an experience that may not be safe this summer of 2020. We wanted to decide early enough so that they could begin making alternate plans. We are grieving but not giving in. Our creative staff, with the board of directors, are coming up with options and resources that campers and families will be able to access to stay engaged with Crestfield. And, if conditions change and restrictions are lifted, we hope to be in a position in which we could offer programs later in the summer.
The Crestfield summer camp experience takes significant effort and resources to create, much of which is expended many months before the first campers ever arrive. That makes the loss of this summer camp season both tough on our hearts and tough on Crestfield's pocketbook. To be direct, without the income that we receive for summer camp we will be suffering a significant financial loss and we need your backing to remain capable of supporting our ministries.
Crestfield is resilient, but we need your support. If you are able to make a donation to support our camp the moment we need it the most, that would go a long way to helping Crestfield withstand the loss of a summer camp season. Please consider what you can offer. Please reach out to us at any time and expect Crestfield staff to be in touch as we consider how we can experience this summer of Jubilee together.
We are an optimistic organization and we have hope for our future in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We enter this summer of Jubilee thankful for you, acknowledging that in this summer of rest from resident camps, God will provide for our needs and yours too.
Gene Joiner Executive Director