April 2020
New Normal
It is uncanny how the post resurrection appearances of Jesus, our Risen Lord, correspond so well with the Church universal this Eastertide. Where the first disciples struggled with hiding in place, fearing the religious leaders who were once so familiar to them, the Church in all of her traditions is defining a new normal for worship, sharing sacraments, walking with parishioners, and with Jesus during this season of sheltering in place, and wearing masks during Covid-19 quarantines.
Like you I would like this ‘season’ to be temporary. Like the Jesus’ disciples mourning loss, separation, and all they had banked on we too would like to go back to the way things were; until . . . Until the Lord entered their new normal, breathed the Holy Spirit and said, in 21st century parlance: ‘It’s a new day. Things will be different and better. And, without fail, I will be with you.’
Plum Creek, and every other church, is scrambling to find a new normal, just like the disciples on that first Easter evening when they realized Jesus was alive but had not a clue what to do next. Looking back we see the glorious opportunities the Spirit provided. We are in a similar situation, one ripe with huge opportunity for creativity, but we are still working out the details of those opportunities.
Your Session is meeting via zoom and keeping you in prayer while working on our new normal in one accord: to glorify God and keep you safe. At our meeting on April 20th Session confirmed no in person worship services will be held before May 17th, unless there is a miracle. Session will meet again the week of May 10th to discern best practices.
Worshiping from home is in the hands of you, Jesus’ Church. Worship services will continue to be posted on our Church website: https://www.plumcreekpc.com/sermon-blog The weekly This Sunday and More will provide updated information.
The new Benevolence Fund
Last month Session created a new fund to help our members and friends who have been hit hard by the many closures, furloughs, and end of employment the coronavirus quarantine has necessitated. The fund is open to donations, and we are very grateful for the anonymous donations received so far. The benevolence fund is available for those who have lost a means of family income because of the mandated closures.
The finances of our church have been based on members and friends supporting our various ministries. Session sees this current crisis as a time the church can be present with her people. Pastor Jane will administer the benevolence fund so that all confidences are kept secure. For more information please email: pastorjesterline@gmail.com.
Meetings, Studies, and Fellowship
Zoom Meetings – Meeting via zoom is working well for small groups. For those of you who attended our Easter service we discovered, too late, that our church WiFi does not support larger zoom meetings. We are working on better options.
Zoom continues to be an excellent means of meeting together in smaller groups. The link to the various zoom meetings will come in the weekly email “This Sunday and More” sent on Thursdays.
1. Sunday morning fellowship - an online ‘coffee half hour’ via zoom. Gather and say a face to face hello to friends near and far. With internet you may fellowship from your cabin, camp, or kitchen. We ‘meet’ at 9:35 Sunday mornings, chat, share joys and concerns then end with prayers of the people and the Lord’s Prayer. Pastor Jane will host the meeting.
2. Sunday school resumes! Faith is leading a weekly zoom Sunday school with the kids of the church. You already know that Plum Creek has amazing kids, and it is fun to watch them in action via zoom. The Church of Jesus Christ has a great future with them at the helm!
3. Psalms class resumes at 9:00 am Sunday mornings. Everyone is welcome to join. We are on Psalm 80 this Sunday. Each Sunday we read and listen to the Psalmist and look for history, passion, emotion, worship, fear, and penance so freely offered to God by our spiritual ancestors. The Psalmists were not constrained by form; they knew God would listen so spoke freely. Sometimes it is shocking, sometimes beautiful, but always demonstrating genuine honesty and relationship with the Lord God.
4. New class – The Parables of Jesus will be held on Wednesday evenings at 6:30. Jesus taught with stories. It was a common 1st century teaching practice. Jesus’ parables were rich with imagery for his hearers then and his readers/hearers today.
To join Zoom meeting on the Parables on Wednesdays just call the church office for the meeting ID. You will need audio on your tablet, ipad, ipone, or laptop computer. A camera makes it even more fun. Creek Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, PA. During the forty days of Lent a daily post was made, ending with the 14 Stations of the Cross. After Easter’s glory a new series of posts called the Stations of Resurrection began. Many thanks to Lillian Forrest for introducing the idea of Stations of Resurrection. This is an ancient tradition renewed for our day. Here is a sample post:
7th Station of Resurrection - forgiveness
As Jesus breathed the Holy Spirit upon the disciples he gave them the most amazing power - the power to forgive. A discussion on forgiveness across traditions will take several roads and routes. Jesus simplified: you have the super power of forgiving. What he did not say was how much we will need to use this super power. Nor did he warn them or us it is the one super power we will use the least. Withholding forgiveness for some's failures, mistakes, ignorance, even malice becomes a mill stone around our necks. Practicing the super power of forgiveness releases the pain old wounds may have over you; rather like broken chain links turned to doves.
Facemasks – Several of us are making facemasks and have extras for the congregation. Please let us know if you need a mask. Kathy, Faith, and Jane are in office during the week, but usually on different days, and can have a mask for you. If you have lightweight fusible interfacing to share sewers could us a new supply. If you would like to donate homemade facemasks leave us a message at church. We all thank you! Email Jane or Kathy if you need a facemask or if you would like to donate facemask.
Church building remains closed - To ensure a safe environment the church buildings remain closed. In past years this was the season for dropping off donations to the rummage sale. Your donations turned into wonderful contributions to the life and mission of our church. The rummage sale has been postponed. Your Evangelism and Fellowship committee is determining the best time to reschedule the rummage sale and other annual fellowship events. In the meantime donations will not be received until further notice, but will be so very appreciated once we know when the rummage sale will be scheduled.
Office Hours – Jane, Faith, and Kathy are working from home and occasionally at their church offices. Someone should be at church up to 3 days a week. Please call or email to see who is in and when.