December 2021

A Meditation on Light and Darkness during Advent

The season of Advent comes when the contrast of the shorter days and longer nights provide the perfect opportunity to consider God’s creative work through darkness so that Jesus’ Light may shine even brighter.

In the beginning, God allowed for chaos, for troubled dreams,
and uncertain sounds, and fear in darkness.

God said, “Let there be light”
And there was light.

So, remember the chaos, the uncertainty, the confusion
the times we floundered, and give thanks for the light.

God said, “Let there be light”
And there was light. Bless the Lord my soul!

In the course of time, God allowed for a journey, from ourselves to other people,
from restriction to freedom, from a forgotten place to a land of promises.

And when the journey was the hardest, the way ahead unclear,
and the temptation to turn back most alluring,

God said, “Let there be light”
And there was light.

So, remember your journey and how far you have traveled,
and give thanks for the light.

God said, “Let there be light”
And there was light. Bless the Lord my soul!

Later, God allowed for the special: for friendship to grow,
for truth to be discovered, for faith to become real in places far off and now near.

On the mountain top and in quiet places God blessed us saying
“Let there be light”
And there was light.

So, remember not why, but how, when, and where you have been blessed,
and give thanks to God for the light!

God said, “Let there be light”
And there was light. Bless the Lord my soul!

And then, when the light was brightest, and life was good, despite our better judgment,
we chased shadows and sometimes choose darkness.

So, remember that because God loves us, there will be light again.
Not like the first chaos, or the first journey,
but on familiar ground, and sometimes in unseen places,
God WILL come, offering the vulnerability of a baby’s hand
to greet us.

God said, “Let there be light”
And there was light. Bless the Lord my soul!

May the Light of Jesus shine in you brightly this season of Advent and always.

Successful Deacons Flu Shot Clinic

The flu shot clinic was a success!  Thirteen vaccines were administered on October 31st after services.  Thank you to all who participated.

Deacons Thank You
With the support of our members, the Deacons’ collected $343.91 during Change Sunday, November 7th and donations were still arriving by mail. The donations collected will help support Helping Hands Ministry and other special deacons’ ministries. Your donations and support are very much appreciated.


Friday, December 3 & 10

5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Grades 6th and up

A time for fellowship and fun-- come share a meal, fellowship, play, and learn about the Advent Season with Pastor Jane. Bonfire and s'mores weather permitting!

Where: Plum Creek Presbyterian Church

When: Friday Dec. 3 and Friday Dec. 10 from 5:30-7:30 pm

Who: Any child currently in 6th grade and up!

How: Sign up using this link:

Space is limited to 20 students. Masks will be required indoors.

Plum Creek's Living Nativity is happening this year!!   It will happen Saturday and Sunday, December 11 and 12 from 6 pm to 9 pm.  Many volunteers are needed to make this happen.  Talk to Laura Campbell for details. 

Worship with us on Christmas Eve.

December 24, 7:00 pm

DEACON’S CHRISTMAS GIVING: EVERY CHILD INC. Are you looking for an opportunity to help others in our community this Christmas season?  The Deacons’ holiday service project this year is to purchase gifts for children in foster care through Every Child Inc. This non-profit organization provides foster care and adoption services as well as clinical and therapeutic care to children and families across Southwestern Pennsylvania.  Directions on how to donate through an Amazon wish list are on the next page and will be available after services in the Narthex. 

If you would prefer to purchase an Amazon gift card and let the Deacons’ do the shopping, please feel free to give your Amazon gift card to any Deacon to be used to purchase items from their wish list. search Every Child Inc., then select a gift suggested by Every Child Inc. Contact the church office or a Deacon for further instructions.

Welcome to our new director of media/communications – Ian Kist. 

Ian has been a part of Plum Creek all his life.  He was baptized here and went through confirmation and joined Plum Creek in 2011. 

Ian graduated from Robert Morris University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in Communication with a concentration in Sports Communication and a minor in Sport Management.  Ian participated in the student-run online publication RMU Sentry Media and was assistant sports editor.  He also was part of RMU-TV, co-anchoring and co-producing several shows as well as being a part of the Colonials Sports Network live sports productions.  Ian was also part of two Mid-Atlantic Emmy Award nominations with Colonial Sports Network.  In his senior year, Ian, along with two other Sentry Media colleagues, was a recipient of a 2018 Robert L. Vann Award of Excellence First Place Online Media/Sports Feature Award.  Ian currently co-owns and co-hosts his own sports podcast. 

On Sundays, you will find Ian back by the sound/media board. 

Welcome Ian!

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