March 2022

From the Pastor’s Desk

It is time for us to get to know each other better. There is only so much that we can talk in meetings or before and after worship, and some of us worship online! This past month I have reached out to the list of friends and members with whom the Deacons correspond and visit. Not all our folks have phones or perhaps are reluctant to take a call from a stranger, but I have been successful in meeting with two of these members. It is my intention to work with the Deacons for introductions so that we can begin to not only be pastor and congregation, but we can begin to build relationships. In March, I will start through the member list, contacting about 10 families at a time, to set up times to meet. Please know that you do not need to wait for me to call you. You are certainly invited to call me and either talk on the phone or make an appointment for an in-person visit. My preference, of course, is for an in-person visit. I am willing to visit on the phone, in my church office, at your home, or even at your favorite coffee shop! Anywhere that you feel comfortable talking with me is a good place to meet. You can call the church office at (412) 793-4525. If no one picks up, feel free to leave me a voice message on extension 11. The church answering service message will give you directions for leaving me a voice message.

The season of Lent is fast approaching. Ash Wednesday is on March 2. An in-person Ash Wednesday service with communion is being planned. Due to the status of the Coronavirus, we will not impose ashes onto anyone. This service will be broadcast on Facebook Live in the same way as our Sunday Services. Also being planned is a weekly in-person and Zoom Lenten study. This study will take place during the 5 weeks between Ash Wednesday and Holy Week. At this writing, I believe the study will be on Thursday evenings starting at 7:00 PM. If possible, we would like to offer a light meal for those attending in person. The study will be based on the book Lent In Plain Sight, written by Jill Duffield. This book details a daily study of ordinary items that can be used to remind us to use the season as a time of self-examination and repentance. The schedule for the study will be March 10 - Bread, March 17 – Cross, (continued) INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 1 From the Pastor’s Desk 2 Blessing Box 3 Lenten Study Ash Wednesday Annual Meeting 4 Valentine Lunch 5 Change Sunday Prayer Chain Welcome Reception 6 Finance 7 Calendar 8 Church Info 2 March 24 – Coins, March 31 – Shoes, April 7 – Oil. Although you will not need to purchase a book for the study, the book, Lent In Plain Sight by Jill Duffield, is available on Amazon in either paperback for $12.49 or in Kindle e-reader format for $9.49. The Kindle format does require an electronic device to read the book. If you are planning to attend these studies in person, please send an email to or call the church office to let us know. A follow-up communication will confirm if we are able to offer a light meal before the study begins. Speaking of the status of the Corona Virus, I read some encouraging news about the rate of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette this morning, February 17. Should these trends continue, I am hopeful that we will soon be able to relax our virus safety precautions further and welcome more of you to in-person worship. Know that your Session wants to neither drag its feet to relax our precautions nor does it want to prematurely rush to drop all our precautions. We appreciate your prayers as we continue to navigate our way through the murky advice that is available.

As a reminder, the Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek guidelines for safe worship continues to be:

1. Please wear a mask as you enter the church and make your way through the congested entry area to your pew.

2. We ask that family groups respect the social distancing needs of other family groups and sit approximately six feet apart from other family groups.

3. Once in your pew, you are free to either keep your mask on or remove your mask as your family group is comfortable.

4. When you are leaving or moving to another part of the church, we ask that you wear your mask.

5. Anyone working with children is asked to remain masked while doing so.

To God be the Glory!

Pastor Frank Hancock


Office: (412) 793-4525

Cell Phone: (412) 860-3719 – Please feel free to leave a message

Blessing Box Donations

Requested donations for the blessing box in March include instant breakfast, instant flavored oatmeal, children's cereal, crackers, Pop-Tarts, pancake mix, personal hygiene items, paper products (individually wrapped bathroom tissue and paper towels), and boxes of Kleenex.

Other non-perishables are always accepted. Please do not bring expired food.

Thanks for supporting this church ministry. You are making a difference.

Light Supper and Lenten Study

During the five weeks between Ash Wednesday and Holy Week, Pastor Frank will offer a Lenten study based on the book Lent In Plain Sight by Jill J. Duffield. This study will be offered in a combination of in-person and Zoom format. For those who can attend in person, we will be offering a light supper that will begin at 6:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. If you will be attending in person, we ask that you either call (412-793-4525) or email ( the church office to let us know how many people will be attending. If you will be attending by Zoom, please email Pastor Frank at so that he can send the Zoom meeting invitation to you. The Zoom meeting link will be activated at 10 minutes to 7 for those joining the study via Zoom.

Although the book is available on Amazon for purchase in either paperback or Kindle format, it will not be necessary to purchase a book to participate in the study. The book contains daily studies which are grouped into weekly topics beginning with the week of Ash Wednesday and ending with Holy Week. Since the Plum Creek Presbyterian Church study will be one day a week and only offered on the weeks between Ash Wednesday and Holy Week, Pastor Frank will summarize the week’s study into a 45-minute discussion. Please note the schedule for these sessions as they are not on typical meeting nights due to other activities that have already been scheduled in the church.

Thursday, March 10 at 6:00 pm in person or 7:00 p.m. for Zoom – The topic will be Bread

Thursday, March 17 at 6:00 pm in person or 7:00 p.m. for Zoom – The topic will be Cross

Thursday, March 24 at 6:00 pm in person or 7:00 p.m. for Zoom – The topic will be Coins

Thursday, March 31 at 6:00 pm in person or 7:00 p.m. for Zoom – The topic will be Shoes

Tuesday, April 5 at 6:00 pm in person or 7:00 p.m. for Zoom – The topic will be Oil

Please note that all but the last meeting will be on Thursday. The last meeting is on a Tuesday.

Ash Wednesday - March 2, 2022

Plum Creek Presbyterian Church will have a service of worship and meditation on Ash Wednesday beginning at 7:00 pm in the church sanctuary. During this service, we will celebrate Communion. Due to the current COVID guidance still in effect, we will not be imposing ashes.

Annual Meeting

The 2022 Annual Meeting of The Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek will take place immediately following worship at about 11:00 am on Sunday, March 6, 2022. The agenda will consist of normal congregation business.


Valentine Lunch

Our valentine luncheon was a huge success. Over 25 people enjoyed a delicious lunch of chili, vegetable soup, hot dogs, and, of course, cookies for dessert. We were able to make 57 valentines that were delivered to Ridgewood in Renton along with a heart-shaped cookie. Thanks to the mission and E&F committees for organizing this fun event.

Change Sunday

While Daylight Saving Time is beginning on Sunday, March 13th, the Deacons will continue to spread their light by collecting change for their ministries. The donations collected after services will help support Helping Hands Ministry and other special deacons’ ministries.

Prayer Chain

We all know the meaningful power of prayer. The Deacons are updating their prayer chain. If you would like to be part of the prayer team and receive text messages when requests are made, please email Jen Spenik at with your cell phone number or text her at 724-448-2503. If you are texting, please type “prayer chain” and your name in the body of the text. You can never have enough prayers.


Come welcome Pastor Frank with us! The Deacons’ have rescheduled the Welcome Reception for Pastor Frank for Sunday, March 27th after services in Fellowship Hall. Please join us to Welcome Pastor Frank and his wife to our Plum Creek family.

What is Happening at Plum Creek in March!

Church Information

Church Address: The Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek

550 Center New Texas Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15239

Church Webpage:

Office Phone Number: 412-793-4525

Email Address:

Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Pastor: Pastor Frank Hancock

Business Administrator: Kathy Kirk

Director of Media/Communications: Ian Kist

Worship Services: Sundays at 10 a.m. (live-streamed & in-person)

Sunday School: Sundays at 9:00 a.m.