September 2022

From the Pastor’s Desk

When I chose the scripture and sermon title for August 7, little did I know how appropriate they would be for the circumstances that unfolded, “Always be Ready”. Jesus is talking about not knowing when the kingdom of heaven will be fully realized. Only God knows when that will occur. You don’t want to miss it because you were not ready! Well for me in a practical sense, being ready meant, being ready to have the word of God preached even if I tested positive for COVID on Saturday morning! But in that case, I was not the only one that needed to be ready. Of course, I needed to have my message prepared for Sunday. Since I was not able to be here to preach my prepared sermon, someone else needed to be ready and willing to step into the opportunity, with little advance notice. Sam Shaneyfelt was willing and able to do that for me. That Sunday we had a wonderful worship service, although without Communion, but a wonderful service of worship nonetheless. And thank you also to Carolyn Leah, who was ready, willing, and able to preach for me the following Sunday, since I had not yet tested negative. For me being ready meant looking forward to the next Sunday and realizing that I would not likely be ready to return to work by then. For Carolyn, it meant being willing and able to write her own sermon using the scripture and sermon title that I had already chosen and then delivering it on Sunday. Sam and Carolyn are not the only two in The Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek community who are ready and willing. I have noticed that characteristic in many of the members of the congregation for many activities that go on here. These two Sundays were the ones that impacted me directly. Thank you to both Sam and Carolyn for stepping up in my time of need!

I am happy to report that at the time of this writing, I have tested negative for COVID and will be back in the pulpit this Sunday. Please know that I had mild symptoms even though I have all the booster shots. Although you did not see me on Sunday mornings, know that I was still at work, from home, keeping up with everything that I could do remotely. I must say, however, that it is great to be back in the office.

The Session has approved a short vacation for me. I will be vacationing with my brother from Monday, August 22 through Thursday, August 25 at a fishing cottage in Michigan. I’ll be sure to let you know about all the big fish that got away when I return. Session has also approved a short study leave from Monday, October 10 through Wednesday, October 12 in Mount Pleasant, PA. I will be attending a conference for small churches called Wee Kirk.

The Building and Grounds committee has identified lighting issues both in the sanctuary and in the parking lot. We have all experienced the fluctuating lights in the sanctuary. Outside, two out of three high pressure sodium lamps no longer work. That means that rear parking lot is mostly dark as we approach the coming of fall. A statement of work for the repairs is currently being reviewed by various committees and when approved, will be submitted to three contractors for response and bid. Responses will be reviewed by Building and Grounds and a recommendation will be made to Session. Action to complete the work will only be taken after Session approval and a funding source to pay for the upgrades has been identified. I am hopeful that we can at least get proposed solutions and bids to complete the work in the next month or two.

With the next celebration of Communion on Labor Day weekend, September 4, I intend to introduce a change to the Great Prayer of Thanksgiving part of the communion liturgy. The change is to introduce sung responses from the congregation to replace the spoken responses. I am working with Joy to make sure that we do this well. I will introduce the sung responses to the congregation as part of the announcements on Sunday, August 28, and again on Sunday, September 4. I believe that these responses are familiar to you and will enhance our communion experience.

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful summer as we get ready to begin the new church program year!

See you on Sunday.

To God be the Glory!

Pastor Frank Hancock


Office: (412) 793-4525

Cell Phone: (412) 860-3719 – Please feel free to leave a message

Fall Kickoff for Faith Formation

Calling children and adults of ALL ages to our Discipleship Kick-off Event on Friday, September 9 in the Plum Creek Picnic Pavilion (inside if inclement weather) 6 to 8:00 PM, sponsored by the Christian Formation Team. Chicken and dessert will be provided for the meal. Please bring a side dish or salad to share! Sign up on the bulletin board in the Narthex area outside the sanctuary or by emailing Carolyn at

We will have time for food, fellowship and a way to share together in faith formation where we learn and grow together across all ages. Carolyn Leah, Director of Christian Formation will be introducing us to a unique cross-generational time of growing in our faith together. We need everyone present to proclaim God’s mighty works throughout all generations!

Psalm 71 gives us a look at what it means to trust God at every age and stage of life and to then instruct the next generations of all that God has done and is doing! These selected verses from the psalm show that at every age, we have stories to tell to each other of God’s goodness, power, and love!

Breakfast Club

On Sunday, September 25th, the Youth will gather at 9 AM in the Youth Room for our new monthly Breakfast Club! Come have breakfast with Carolyn as we start our day together and dip into a little time with a scripture of the day! We will finish by 9:45 AM. We look forward to sharing this time with youth grades 7 to 12! Friends are welcome too! Watch for details to come for our evening Youth Club events! We will be meeting for a three-week dinner club weeknight event at the end of September and into October! More details to come.

New Worship Time Experience for Kids!

Beginning on Sunday, September 18, a new dedicated area for Children and Worship will debut, The Worship Place! On select Sundays each month, Carolyn Leah will move with the children after the Children’s message in worship to the new worship center at the end of the education wing hallway. This space is being put together to allow children to hear an extended Bible story as part of a new emphasis on helping children to grow through their own interactive worship experience.

The stories that will be shared in this area are appropriate for preschool age through 6th grade and will take place during and after the sermon. There will be time for children to actually wonder and express their thoughts after hearing and seeing the story told with unique story resources. The worship experience will help children to experience a depth and breadth to the story at their age level.

Watch for news about the shaping of this room and its contents. We will be sharing an online tour and an Open House in weeks to come. A sample of one of the interactive stories will be at the Kickoff event on Friday, September 9 in the Pavilion.

As we work out the schedule of the stories and dates of this new experience, Carolyn will need a group of rotating helpers to be an assistant with her in the room. She will help all the assistants to know what to expect and how to serve. Men and women are encouraged to be helpers as worship is something that everyone should be a part of as we help our children to grow into a life of faith.

Ways to Serve in Faith Formation at Plum Creek:

As we kick off a new year of growing in faith, we ask for your help to lead and assist in our various education and worship areas this year. If you are willing to give a Sunday to share in teaching or helping on a rotating basis, that allows everyone to have a break once in a while and exposes our children to many different people that care about their faith formation. You can help in the following ways:

Be a Sunday Morning Sunday School teacher or assistant – you would be on a rotation with other leaders throughout the month and not every Sunday. Age groups available are PreK/Kindergarten and Elementary (1st through 6th).

Be a Worship Place assistant: Our new Worship Place for Pre-K thru 6th grade will begin on Sunday, September 18, and continue on selected Sundays throughout the month. Carolyn Leah will lead the story but will need rotating assistants to help throughout the weeks. This will take place following the Children’s Message to the end of worship on Worship Place Sundays.

Be a Youth helper: Our Youth (grades 7 and up) will gather once a month for a Sunday Morning Breakfast Club and for some short-term (3 – 4 week) evening-themed events. We will share a meal together, fun, fellowship, and some devotional time together as well. The first Breakfast Club will happen in the youth room on Sunday, September 25th at 9 AM – 9:45 AM. Weeknight Club will begin the following week.

Please consider serving God in one of these ways as we invest in the faith life of the next generation! Contact Carolyn Leah at to let her know where we can count on you! Again, the more that answer the call to serve, the less frequently each will be scheduled. Carolyn will answer any questions, provide any training that is needed and assist in obtaining child protection clearances as needed.

Faith Sprout Preschool/Kindergarten Night

Come to our monthly midweek preK/K Faith Sprout experience on Thursday, September 22 from 6:30 Pm – 7:30 PM. This is a time for preschool/kindergarten children and their grown-up (s) to enjoy a Bible story, snack, game, craft and other activities together and it is just right for their developmental age! Over the next few months, we will be looking at David and special aspects of David’s life. This month we will be learning about David as shepherd. The event will take place in our Fellowship Hall. Sign up by emailing Carolyn at Let Carolyn know the name and age of the child attending and how many grownups will be attending with each child. This helps Carolyn plan for snacks and activities.

Evangelism & Fellowship

First, thank you, to the congregation and community for the support they show at all the Plum Creek Presbyterian Church events!

As we came out of the pandemic last year, we resumed seasonal soup and fruit sales, the Rummage Sale, and the Strawberry Festival in June. Additionally, we restarted our monthly themed cookouts and bonfires for the church at the pavilion.

So far this year we have continued with these same events and the attendance has been greater in numbers than last year!

With the contributions from members and the community, we have been able to do the following:

• donate funds for a new sanctuary projector in 2021

• purchase six new tables for the Fellowship Hall

• 36 T-shirts were purchased for the Deacons to donate to the Northside Common Ministries

• A new trimmer, blower, and hedge clipper for the grounds around the church were also purchased

As August turns into Fall, we will continue our cookout/bonfires, have a Victorian Ladies Tea in October, and a possible spaghetti dinner in November. We are also working with Pastor Frank on offering a new members class soon. We hope to see you in attendance at future fellowship opportunities.

In His Name, The E and F Committee

What is Happening at Plum Creek!