November 2023
Compassion and Grace
Compassion and grace! Why doesn’t anyone just show me some compassion and give me some grace? Maybe we don’t say it that way. You might have heard it expressed like this, “If you would have had the kind of day that I just had (Why don’t you show me some compassion?), then you would understand why I’m so grouchy (You need to give me some grace!). For me, the Biblical story that demonstrates compassion and grace, even more than the Good Samaritan is the story of the feeding of the 5,000. Jesus and the disciples had already put in a long day teaching and healing. Jesus took the disciples to the other side of the lake so that they might get some rest. But the crowd followed them and were waiting on the other side of the lake. What was Jesus’ response? He certainly did not send them away nor did He ask them to sit and rest. Jesus saw the need of the people and had compassion for them. Even though He was tired, Jesus felt deep sympathy for each person in the crowd. Then Jesus dispensed grace, undeserved favor, on the crowd by continuing His teaching and healing ministry. Later, the disciples showed compassion for the people when they noticed that the people were hungry and asked Jesus to send them away so that they could get something to eat. Jesus challenged His disciples to show grace to the crowd. Give them something to eat, He said. Having only five loaves and two fish, Jesus first gave thanks for what they had and gave it to the disciples to distribute. The disciples in turn showed the people grace by feeding them. We too need to be compassionate to those around us. Like the disciples, we may feel inadequate to do anything with what we have. At times like these we need to Follow Jesus’ example. First, we should give thanks to God for the opportunity to share His grace and ask that He show us the means to do so. Being open to God’s leading may show us opportunities that we had not noticed before.
The Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek is entering a season where great change is happening all around us. We are hosting A One one-room schoolhouse but will need the space they are in when Rummage Sale time comes around. I have announced that I am retiring from full-time ministry at the end of the year and the church needs to seek new pastoral leadership. We have agreed to extend Carolyn Leah’s contract through 2024 and expand her hours from half-time to three-quarter time. When we look at the resources available to do all these things, it may feel like all we have are 2 loaves of barley bread and three fish. How can we possibly do all these things with our limited resources?
Remember to feel compassion for the leadership team and the volunteers who are working through all the details and be ready to show them grace as they undoubtedly will tackle the issues in a way that is different than you would have done. Pray in thanksgiving for all that God has done here and all that God will do here. Then watch how God adds His compassion to ours and adds His grace to ours so that His plans for The Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek will be accomplished through us. Then don’t forget to give God the glory for all He has done.
To God be the Glory!
Pastor Frank Hancock
Office: (412) 793-4525
Cell Phone: (412) 860-3719 – Please feel free to leave a message.