September 2024
As the sunset comes earlier in the evening these days, the long days of summer come to a close. Corn, zucchini and tomatoes give up to their last harvest of the season and our beautiful flower gardens have reached their peak. The abundance of the summer is not just reserved for nature.
We have been blessed with an amazingly full summer of ministry at Plum Creek Presbyterian Church. Worship gave us a chance to dig deep into the prayer Jesus taught his disciples and a beautiful piece of artwork by Sara Wozniak blossomed right before our eyes. We filled and refilled the Blessing Box, and our youth worked to put together 50 Breakfast Bags that were picked up in no time. Our Strawberry Festival overflowed with patrons and our Rummage Sale was better than ever! We had some fabulous discussions at The N.E.W.S. Bible study and Summer Club reached over 60 children this summer! Five amazing youth confirmed their faith in our church in June and the Youth group raised enough money this summer (with some generous donations too) to purchase their portable Gaga Ball Pit (it is ordered and will arrive for the Fall youth events). God is good!
Some might be saddened by the end of summer markers, but for me, it just means that it is taking us into a new season. Not a season of less but a season of MORE! More ways to be in tune with God in our lives. The colors of autumn will come, pumpkin spice will appear everywhere (a little goes a long way) and of course football season has arrived. Our lives may be filling up with fall activities, children’s school and after school schedules as well as the return to more normal routines. In busy seasons, it is easy to put our time with God, our time worshiping God and time deepening our relationship with God on the back burner. It slides down the list of priorities very easily because the world demands things from us and adults and children are penalized in our culture if they don’t put the worldly priorities first.
But friends, God promises us more and waits for us to realize that it is in Him and through Him that abundance flows!
Jesus says in John 10:10 “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
Romans 15:13 says “Now may God, the fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him.”
2 Corinthians 9:8 reminds us that “God will bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
Already, we enter this new season with abundant blessing! On September 8th we will bear witness to two children being baptized into a life dedicated to following Jesus at our 10 AM service. We will also celebrate this new season for Plum Creek Presbyterian Church at our Commissioning service and celebration at 2 PM that day. We are expanding our Wonder Space for children during our worship time to allow for more interaction and engagement with the stories of God. We are welcoming back A One Room School House to our building as they have expanded their base of children and have rented an extra room in the lower level for the older children! Our Elders and Deacons will be engaging in a leader workshop to move us forward with a clear vision and mission as a church. Our Christian Formation team is embarking on a new way to reach children with the Gospel and may help us to reach beyond our walls. God is good!
Psalm 113:3 says: “From the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same, the name of the Lord shall be praised.”
Come join us in this new season! Let us praise God who has blessed us so abundantly, is blessing us abundantly and continues to bless us abundantly. Let us recommit ourselves to responding to God’s abundance in worship, study and service together! God is good ALL the time!
In Christ’s service,
Pastor Carolyn