Our Leadership
The role of session in the life of Spiritual Formation at Plum Creek is to listen to the Holy Spirit and to the congregation of Plum Creek. Our session was elected by the congregation to share their particular gifts of discernment and wisdom to oversee the ministries and mission of the Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek. Their primary mission is to strengthen and nurture faith formation through the life of this church. Session Members are:
Laura Campbell, Mission
Beth Kist, Worship and Music
Bonnie Jackson, Clerk of Session
David Nesbit, Finance & Stewardship
Alexis Peifer, Christian Formation
Sam Shaneyfelt, Personnel
Nancy Slater, Christian Formation
Ed Smith, Evangelism & Fellowship
Linda Stiles, Memorial & Nominations
Al Tresco, Building & Grounds
God pours out the gifts of the Holy Spirit upon all ministries. The deacons at the Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek share in the ministries of compassion and caring, mercy and justice, providing helping hands and a friend to the friendless in the name of Jesus Christ. Deacons are:
Cheryl Lynn, Moderator
Nancy Mayo
Joy Smith
Sharon Huhn
Elaine Tresco
Gaye Mallisee
Mary Jo Nesbit, Secretary
Alice Angelo
Cindy Oliveri
Patti Badali
Bonnie Laughman
Jennifer Spenik