April 2019

How often do we ask ourselves, “I wonder what God really thinks of me?”

As Lent draws to a close we will be taking God’s Absolutely with us as we move into Easter and the season of Abundantly.

Have you done your season of Absolutely homework? Have you looked for signs of resurrection – images, tangible or otherwise, of something that exists but not yet seen? Learning to see resurrection at work within you, thanks be to God, is a spiritual discipline that brings joy to all disciples. During the dawning of spring images are popping up all around us: buds, bird nests, and warming days, that which was alive in another form becomes visible and recognizable. This is the case with resurrection – this is the way of Jesus Christ that is already at work within you.

Think of Jesus’ parable about the Loving Father – traditionally call ‘The Prodigal Son’, but the story is far more about the father than the son. Have you ever wondered, “What does God really think of me?” This story is one of God’s answers!

The word prodigal means extravagant. Extravagance can go in different directions, good and bad. Extravagant waste, excessive loss, reckless ignorance or greed. On the other hand, it can be extravagant love, extravagant giving, excessive acceptance and generosity, reckless disregard for personal expense.

In the story of the Loving Father, Luke chapter 15, Jesus tells the third parable of something of value apparently ‘lost’ but found again. Once the item or person of value is found there is an extravagant celebration or party. In the first parable a shepherd loses one sheep – it seems rather odd that he/she would risk the 99 to save just one sheep – but that is the image of our Loving Father. God does not lose any sheep; he is God and can do both: keep and find according to his extravagant (prodigal) love and care. In the second parable a woman loses a precious coin – not a penny – more like a savings & loan note – and turns everything upside down until she finds it. Once the coin (bank note) is found she invites everyone to a feast of extravagant celebration.

      In the third parable Jesus tells the story of a son who slams his father for living, and in extravagant fashion demands his half of the inheritance. The son packs his things, takes abundant cash (meant for a future inheritance) and leaves the country. The story is an extravagance of loss, waste, hunger, and thirst.  It is also a story of extravagant, wanton, almost absurd love and acceptance. The Loving Father never stopped looking for his child. Once the returning son is spotted the aged father does the unthinkable, he runs to meet the child, embrace the child, and welcome him home.

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The Loving Father said: ‘Quickly, bring out a robe—the best one—and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. And get the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; for this child of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!’ And they began to celebrate.
Luke 15:22-24.

How often do we ask ourselves, “I wonder what God really thinks of me?”

The response of the Loving Father pretty much answers your question. Absolutely. It takes each of us with God’s absolutely into God’s abundantly. This is our next journey. Are you ready?  Jane

Lent at Plum Creek

Lenten meals and Bible study continue - Wednesdays in Lent Evangelism & Fellowship continue to host a light meal at 5:45, this week is perogies week! Our study begins at 6:30.

Palm Sunday

The children of the church will be part of the sermon on Palm Sunday. With their help we will remember the road to Calvary, we will remember the joy of welcoming Jesus and how quickly that turned to shouts of blame and accusation. Most of all we will remember that Jesus never once shows retaliation, resentment, or lack of resolve. This is Jesus our savior and we will be his disciples, failures and all.

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Maundy Thursday/Tenebrae

Maundy Thursday/Tenebrae service April 18 at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. We will begin wit ha welcome to the Lord’s Table through communion by Intinction. Then we will move into the liturgy of the cross with readings and hymns. After each reading one of the sanctuary paraments will be removed and lights will be dimmed until the sanctuary is in complete darkness. There will be no benediction, no conversation as we leave Jesus on the cross this holy night.

Easter Sunday celebrations

Egg hunt 9:00 - children are invited to a special egg hunt in the sanctuary Easter morning. Look for the empty eggs, they have a wonderful meaning on Easter!

Worship service - 10:00 - Let the buried alleluias ring out, our waiting is over. The Lord is Risen, He is risen indeed!

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The annual Rummage Sale that has served the Plum community for over 50 years is almost here! Preparations begin Monday April 29 through Thursday May 2.

Are you spring cleaning? Downsizing? Donating things for a good cause? Your goodies are our treasure. For more information contact Joy Smith through the church office. We thank you and look forward to seeing you.

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Spread the word about DC@PC - Now hiring camp counselors
and Registration is open

Spread the word about Day Camp @ Plum Creek!
We would love your help getting the word out about Day Camp. We have a new brochure and plenty of copies for your pass around. We have a new logo and new vinyl stickers. We have new Day Camp yard signs for your home or corner. Please visit our Day Camp Facebook page and share our camps. Contact Faith Bailey for more information.

Week 1 - beginning June 17 - Monday to Friday 9:00 - 3:30

Week 2 - beginning June 24 - same

Week 3 - beginning July 8 - same

Week 4 - beginning July 15 - same

Week 5 - beginning July 22 - same

Vacation Bible School - July 1 to July 3

You can count on us!

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