June 2019


Sermon Series: The Revolution of the Holy Spirit – the book of Acts Commentator Willie Jennings speaks of the book of Acts as the revolution of the Holy Spirit. This is a bit of a challenge to my take on Acts as the acts of the Holy Spirit through the acts of the apostles. Upon further thought a revolution of the Holy Spirit just seems right. God is up to something, always – whether we see it or not. Quite often what we do not see, or sense is actually God in action. God is not as tame as we think, intimate and personal? - Yes! Tame, not really. Change is the story the book of Acts tells, a revolutionary change. Jennings writes, “Too often the book of Acts is aligned with an historian’s optic, a way of looking that ask honorable questions about what actually happened.” Jennings suggests readers should see history through the eyes of the Holy Spirit in order to “see a past unfolding in a future and making intelligible a present.” This summer let’s take several Sundays and jump into our spiritual history and walk with the Holy Spirit in the past in order to see the Holy Spirit at work in our midst, abundantly, in our present. After Pentecost I will begin a 6-week journey with the book of Acts, rather, a study of the revolution of the Holy Spirit taking just a few people and creating the Church of Jesus Christ in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Studying the Psalms The 9:00 Bible study on the book of Psalms will continue through the summer. I recommend reading through the Psalms, a Psalm a day as it were. On Sunday mornings we take the next Psalm, listen to it in different translations. We listen for the voice of God to us as well as the voice of those who lament, petition, plead their case, and even voice dreaded imprecations. In reading the Psalms it is so important to remember that what we speak to God goes to a safe place. Prayer is not our instructions to God, but rather our communication with God. Sometimes the Psalms are full of praise and sometimes they are base. The grace is God teaches us to pray, no matter the prayer, so that daily, even moment by moment, we practice the presence of God in our lives. We meet in the library and everyone is welcome.

Wednesday Bible study – 1:00 Wednesday Bible study is using a series of N.T. Wright study questions on the Gospels. We are mid-way through Mark and will move into another Gospel in July. We are an ecumenical group with varying opinions and experiences. We meet in the library and everyone is welcome.

Day Camp and Vacation Bible School Say Yes to both! Faith will tell you how you can support these summer ministries.

Thank you for being the Church at the Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek! Jane

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Day Camp at Plum Creek - a new season

Announcing Our Summer 2019 Theme: PEACE ABOUNDS!

What are our communities? What are our differences? What are our conflicts? How can we use these things to build connections with others? How can we be peacemakers in our every day lives? We love talking about peace. We pray for peace, petition for world peace, seek out quiet places to find peace for ourselves. But what does it really mean to be a peacemaker? How do we use our actions to bring peace to our communities?

This summer, we'll be exploring and practicing peacemaking together. Campers, led by their counselors, will dig into what it means to be in a community and why communities are important. We'll also think about our differences, why they often cause conflicts, and how we can use differences to bring people together. Campers will learn through Bible study, group challenge initiatives, playing together, and so much more. At the end of the week, everyone will go home knowing that peace abounds!

Support the Day Camp’s Summer Ministry For five weeks this summer, our church will be overtaken by children looking to grow in their faith, have fun, and enjoy fellowship with others. Right now, we’re looking for volunteers to help support the ministry of the Day Camp. There are so many ways you can be a part of our ministry!

1. Prayer support is essential and easy. You can pray for the staff, the campers and their families, camp leadership, and that the love of Christ is shared with everyone who enters the Day Camp at Plum Creek.

2. Camp upkeep ensures that our grounds are taken care of and safe for our campers and staff. If you’re interested in helping us prepare our grounds before camp or helping with upkeep during camp, we’ve got room for you!

3. Daily snacks are provided for campers and staff. You can “adopt a day” of camp by providing a snack for that day. Fruit, cookies, crackers, chips, or anything that can easily be evenly distributed are all welcome.

4. Our mission project this year will be fleece tie blankets for Project Linus. You can be a part of this mission by donating fleece for our blankets. If you’re interested in any of these opportunities, if you have other ideas, or if you’d like to join in, but aren’t sure how, reach out to Faith Bailey at faith.plumcreek@gmail.com. There’s room for everyone at the Day Camp at Plum Creek.



Over 80 people from Plum Creek Church and the surrounding neighborhood were involved in making this event happen. It was a pleasure working and chairing this event which brings fellowship, fun, and a winning relationship with the Congregation and the Community. Joy Smith

Old Fashioned Old Fashioned Strawberry Festival

June 7, 2019 Friday, June 7, 2019 4:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. –7:00 p.m.

BBQ Sandwiches, hot dogs, macaroni salad, nachos & cheese

Beverages, fudge, cake, ice cream, and lots of strawberries will be available. Lots of strawberries will be available. BBQ Sandwiches, hot dogs, macaroni salad, nachos & cheese. Please come. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors for fun and fellowship.

SAVE THE DATE - The Ark Adventure & Creation Museum - September 28-29

Your Evangelism and Fellowship Committee is organizing a group trip to Williamstown, KY to visit the replica of Noah’s Ark. More information will be shared soon, contact Clark Kemmerer for more information.

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