September 2019
Sunday morning gatherings
where your welcome awaits
Christian formation and spiritual formation happen in different ways. On Sunday mornings you have choices at Plum Creek:
1. Welcome center – gather to share a cup of coffee or tea, and a special welcome. This is an unscheduled fellowship and conversation time that leads right into our worship service.
2. Sunday school for teens to tots – gathering activities are followed by Bible stories, ready scripture, wondering about God in our lives and remember that God is the center, always. Meet in the youth room.
3. Volunteers at Sunday school and in our nursery – sign up to support these wonderful ministries and be blessed in the process.
4. Praying the Psalms – gathering in the library administration wing, we read a Psalm or two each Sunday and talk about the practices of worship, prayer, talking to God, and longing for God revealed in these spectacular books of the Bible. The tradition of reading Psalms daily goes back to the beginning of the Church and will continue until Jesus returns.
5. Ushers – join the crew that gives the first welcoming smile and to everyone as they enter the sanctuary. Your smile touches lives with the joy of the Lord, always.
What Per Capita Looks Like: $35 per person
Your per capita funds the missional work of Jesus Christ through our Pittsburgh Presbytery in the following ways:
1. 3 or 4 New Worshipping Committees, plus some support for previous church plants which have or are about to become chartered congregations.
2. ACT grants (Administrative Commission for Transformation) – funding a pool of grants to congregations pursuing new mission projects and growth initiatives within their community.
3. Funding urban ministry interns – assisting congregations that cannot afford the staff they need to accomplish their mission in the name of Jesus.
4. Regional mission – a joint financial commitment through partnerships with ecumenical and interfaith organizations providing ministry to the poor and hungry, and anti-racism work.
5. Amos 5:24 – which keeps issues of race and justice front and center in our Presbytery.
6. Lazarus Fund – providing aid to families and individuals within this Presbytery sponsored by a pastor or session. Each Presbytery meeting all offerings go to the Lazarus Fund, and are matched, raising on average $2000 per meeting.
7. Justice Ministries – a new half time staff member has joined Presbytery tasked with anti-race training, Freedom Rising and Peacemaking ministries.
8. International mission partnership with Malawi, the South Sudan, and others.
9. Continued transitional, and decreasing, support toward Crestfield Camp and Conference Center.
10. The call process – each congregation has had Presbytery staff assistance with a PNC, discernment through transitions, advise with and for clergy, and support for church administrative assistants. Our Presbytery staff enables churches to fulfill Jesus’ mission and discerning who can shepherd them into that mission.
11. A small portion of your per capita goes to Synod and General Assembly ministries.
$35 looks like a dinner out with a friend, spouse, or adult child. For the cost of one dinner out your $35 per capita supports so very much more through our Pittsburgh Presbytery. Your per capita reflects God’s love for the world!
As we approach our season of stewardship, I invite you to give your $35 to per capita and to pray with and for your session to expand the vision of our lovely church. As St. Paul wrote to the church at Corinth: ‘One should think about us this way – as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.’
Rally Day - September 8, 9:00 - Christian Formation classes for tots to teems meet weekly Rally Day to the end of May, each Sunday
Our theme for the year is Forming Disciples
We offer God at the Center lessons for children and youth following the Narrative LectionaryWorshiping Together - children of all ages worship together. Worship bags are available with custom pages to color or explore, a designated kids pew (with vinyl cover for coloring), and Legos to keep busy hands active while ears listen to the rhythm of worship.
Church Library - Our church has a wonderfully stocked and maintained library with selections for all ages. It is on the lower/basement level. Check out books to take home and read together or to challenge your faith formation journey.
Volunteers - volunteers for 9:00 Sunday school and an ‘all-call’ nursery during worship are needed. Reach out to Faith or Alexis to hear more.
Rally Day, September 8, we will offer ice cream sundaes following worship
September 22, Pastor Jane will speak on her experience as a mission co-worker in Fiji at the ecumenical Pacific Theological College, Suva. A salad lunch will be provided
September 28-29, the Ark Adventure group will travel to Kentucky
October 5th - JUNK IN A TRUNK, hosting a flea market in our parking lot. Deacons will host a first aid training in fellowship hall.
October 26th - TRUNK OR TREAT
November 17th - Lunch will be provided as we work with our Mission Committee to tie 60 blankets for Ridgewood Place.
December 5th - Light Up Night for Plum Creek, join us at our table for goodies and fellowship!
Junk (Treasures) in a Trunk
Support Groups - Grief Support and Alzheimer’s Association caregiver’s support
GRIEF RECOVERY GROUP - Wednesdays, October 23 to November 20, 7:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. - led by Rev. Dave Fetterman and Rev. Jane Esterline
If you have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, it may be hard to feel optimistic about the future. You may have found that people do not always understand the deep hurt you feel. Grief recovery is a faith-based support group that can help you face the challenges of loss and move toward rebuilding your life. We will meet in the library on the first floor. Beyond the Broken Heart: A Journey Through Grief, by Julie Yarbrough will be a guiding resource. Groups will form again in the spring.
CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP FOR ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND RELATED DISORDERS - Thursdays, the first of the month from noon to 1:00. Please call the office for updated scheduling information.
Are you a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia? You are not alone. This group of caregivers will offer a respite and mutual support on this road that combines sadness and joy. We will learn through laughter and tears. Call for more information.
Garden Flowers for Worship
Your Worship and Music Committee suggests home grown flowers for the communion Table floral arrangements while we await the reopening of Holiday Florist after the massive flood. A bouquet from the yard, or store, or a professional arrangement are all wonderful options. Please sign up in our flower book and write in: ‘bring my own flowers.’ Please keep the owners of Holiday Florist and all victims of the Plum Creek floods in your prayers.
The Bell choir is looking for new members to expand our choir in order to utilize more of our bells. We are mostly amateur musicians who rehearse once a week on Thursday evening for about an hour. We provide music during worship once a month. Please call the office if joining our choir sounds appealing.