February 2024

It is hard to believe that nearly a month has gone by as Teaching Pastor of The Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek. We have had wonderful worship together, amazing committee and ministry planning all while we continue to reach out to our community! And I am so blessed by the encouragement and support that I have received as we move through the Pastor Commissioning process together. In the coming month, we are so fortunate to have several pastors who will be helping us on Communion Sunday and Ash Wednesday, the Rev. Ken White and the Rev. Norma Murphy. In addition, Pastor Jason Freyer, Pastor of Beulah Presbyterian Church will be moderating our Session meetings. God has brought together so many folks with fantastic gifts to move us forward.

The Commissioning process will be moving forward as I meet with the Commission on Preparafion for Ministry (CPM) at the end of January and will hopefully go before the Presbytery meefing in February as a Candidate for Commissioned Ruling Elder (Commissioned Pastor). I will be assigned a care team of individuals from CPM who will walk with me through the process.

Soon, we will be on the 6week Lenten path as we prepare ourselves for Holy Week and Easter. There will be many ways to engage together in study, in ministry, in worship and in service. When we come together in this journey, we are awakened to new ways that God is speaking, acting, and guiding us as a church. These are some of the ways you can be present and actively involved in the life of Plum Creek Presbyterian this month!

o Worship with us! We will be wrapping up our series on prayer as effecfive communicafion with God and specifically talking about how God responds, how we respond to God’s response and how the church prays together before we dive into Lent. During Lent, we will be working through select passages of Exodus as we focus on Hard and Holy Work. We will be beginning the hard and holy work of discerning God’s calling on us as a church as we discover our mission and vision.

o Join us for food, fun, fellowship, and ministry on “Souper Bowl” Sunday, Feb. 11 after worship in Fellowship Hall. We will have chili and soup and we will be creating Valentines to be sent out to shut ins and senior citizens in the local residence community. We will also be supporting our Friday Club youth as there will be a “silent auction” for 11 different bowls that were painted by youth and leaders. These bowls will be on display online and in the Narthex. All bids on a bowl will be used to help fund our youth ministry events. If you are the high bid on Feb. 11 – you can use your bowl for your soup or chili!

o Assist with Youth Friday Club clean up from dinner in the kitchen on Feb. 9 or Feb 23rd at 6:30 Pm while our youth have their program. What a great way to get involved with our youth and their parents. Or help with Youth Breakfast and Bible on Sunday morning February 25th!

o Lead/assist in 9 am Sunday School or the Wonder Space during worship as the children step into the stories of Jesus and the journey toward Jerusalem.

o Join us for a study of the Psalms on Tuesday evenings in Lent, beginning February 20th through the Tuesday of Holy Week. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6 PM for a light meal and study from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. The book we will be using is “Pause: Spending Lent with the Psalms” by Elizabeth Caldwell. The book for the study is $10 and you can reserve one by calling the office or signing up on the sheet in the Narthex. As we take this new path together, remember that my door is open to come in and chat, give me a call or email. Be sure to let me or Sara in the office know if someone is sick, in the hospital or in need of prayer or a visit. We are made aware of these needs by your help. Although this is only the 1st month, I am so excited to be in ministry with you, as your pastor, for many more months ahead!


Pastor Carolyn

Teaching Pastor