March 2024
I have learned to love the journey and not worry so much about the destination. That is what Lent is like for me. I know the destination but how I am going to arrive there each year is how I lean into the mystery and wonder of the resurrection story.
My father was one who liked to take the not so traveled roads to places when I was on vacation with my family as a child. Things were much more interesting on those small country roads. The interstates, while necessary at times, never held the same charm and quirkiness as some of the small towns that we traveled through. I like to travel through Lent like that. Taking in the different bits and pieces of spiritual practices, worship, study, and prayer that help me lean into the journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter.
We have numerous ways for you to jump on the journey with me this season. Our worship services are following a series of scriptures from Exodus about “Hard and Holy Work”. This is so aligned with the work our church is embarking on to claim our identity, vision, and mission as we move forward for God’s kingdom work. We worship at 10 AM every Sunday morning! If you haven’t been with us in person for a while, I hope you will try to make it during Lent. The faith community relationships we are building together when we worship together will be a good foundation for our new vision and mission. If you miss a week in person, don’t forget to catch up with the livestream on Sunday morning or on the recorded service later in the week.
A few other stops on the journey include our Tuesday night Lenten Supper and study. We are working through a study book called “Pause” by Elizabeth Caldwell on the Psalms. We will be studying Psalms 25, 27, 63, 23, 130, 118 on the six Tuesdays of Lent. We had more than 20 people with us for our first week. Adults and teens are welcome! Join us to discuss the Psalms and challenge ourselves to look at them in new ways. Dinner is at 5:30 PM and the study portion starts at 6:30 PM. Come to one or come to all, but just come. Sign the sheet in the Narthex or let the office know that you will be coming for dinner so we can plan accordingly.
Join us for special Holy Week services too! Maundy Thursday, we will receive Communion together and experience a tennebrae service of darkness as we walk the road to Good Friday! Then on Good Friday, we are having a new type of interactive inter-generational service of worship where we will review key elements of Jesus’s life together through the symbolism of a cross of 33 candles lit for each year of Christ’s life. This will be a service that will be appropriate for all ages. Both will take place at 7:00 PM.
One of my greatest hopes for each of us individually, and for us as a congregation, is that we will grow in our relationship with God through walking with Jesus on this Lenten journey. How wonderful it is to walk together! Come and join me.
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Carolyn